Friday 19th January, 2024

Rossbeigh Strand travelled strongly up with the leaders before turning for home at Southwell on Wednesday, when unfortunately once again his wind issue appeared to stop him.  The ground was fairly sticky and we will now look for some better ground to run him on in the hope that this allows him to breathe better as he undoubtably has plenty of ability. He looks every inch a chaser and we will school him over fences and he will likely go chasing on his next run.

Very sad news this week that our great friend and mentor Peter Deal has passed away at the age of 84.  I doubt if I have ever known anyone have a more fulfilling life than Peter who I have known for four decades.

He owned the first horse I looked after in racing called Border Sun who became a legend in the point-to-point field.  We hunted, team chased, played cricket, golf, laughed and shared many extraordinary experiences together.  He was a generous gentleman who always knew that the best things in life were either free, or not that expensive.  He loved the countryside and all the special characters that went with it.  Peter has left a lasting impression on many people and he will be forever fondly remembered as someone who led the way into how life should be lived.

Many thanks to all who supported the Adlestrop Club Question of Sport last night.  Thirty teams, including broadcasting greats Ruscoe, Pougatch, Inverdale and Francome competed for the title.  Thanks to some brilliant questions by owner Charlie Allan and an exemplary quiz master in Jess Stafford – a great evening was had by all.  Congratulations to the winning team captained by Steve Key and thanks to the generosity of many, we have raised £2000 for the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

Delighted to present a cheque for a further £5500 for the MNDA raised over the last twelve months, thanks to many the many supporters of Adlestrop Stables.

Many thanks to Cheltenham racecourse for bringing along the Gold Cup which is celebrating its centenary year.  A great opportunity to be pictured with this iconic trophy and many of our owners look forward to winning it in the not too distant future!