Wednesday 7th August, 2024

The horses are returning from their holidays and we are looking forward to building up their exercise over the coming weeks.  With a few old favourites having been retired, we have a string of young horses who will hopefully prove over this season and the next to be full of potential.

We worked a few of the flat string this morning and we look forward to some runners soon both on the flat and over jumps with the National Hunt break coming to an end in just over a weeks time.

I had my first game of golf for ten months at the Jim Old Charity Golf day on Monday.  Genial Jim has raised a huge amount of money for the Injured Jockeys Fund over the years and his golf day is always well supported by the racing community and it was great to catch up with many friends.

Yesterday was the Harry Redknapp Charity Golf day in aid of Heros – a cause we know well.  Harry is a patron of Heros and very kindly put on a golf day at the excellent Ferndown course to raise funds for a new education hub at the charity.

Delighted to attend the dinner and do the auction where many famous names from football and racing helped make the day a memorable occasion for all who attended.  Well done to all who made the event such a success.